Nimes knows how to do it!

Jul 15
Wow I mean just wow. Nimes is a city that knows how to enjoy itself. Relaxed, welcoming and brimming with fun! That's how I experienced it 30 years ago as a twenty something young woman living in France and it's how I experienced it again this year as a fifty something, city break visitor.

It's a city full of surprises and plein de joie de vivre. The food is good, the people are friendly and everything is within a small compact area but what really sets it apart is the warm, relaxed non-forced atmosphere of sheer fun!

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Les jeudis

Simply named and modestly advertised "Thursdays" in Nimes during the summer months are an absolute delight. We started off with une petite dégustation de vins locaux. Lots of clean, crisp whites and rosés on one side of the esplande and French street food on the other. We opted for un plateau de fromage and a local fried onion speciality but we could have had snails or paella amongst a whole host of delicious options.

The scattered high tables with table cloths over them gave it a high class event feel. Think Wimbledon or Formula One VIP areas. We grabbed one and were soon joined by a local couple. The conversation ran on for around an hour. Quel plaisir! 


But that was just l'apero. The main event was to be discovered just around the corner. Still clutching our wine glasses (awaiting further refills) we ventured into the labyrinth of narrow lanes that every now and then opened out onto une place. And on every place there was a stage set up with musicians playing and singing music from French classics, that the transient audience sang along with, to current chart music. The official stages and animations were complimented sublimely with break dance acts that would have been very at home in Covent Garden surrounded by a huge crowd for 5 minutes or so and then replaced with a new one as we all kept wandering. 

We came across our French couple friends a few times. People struck up conversations with us wherever we went. We felt welcome and part of it.

Le marché nocturne

We started out with our first glass of wine around 7pm and got back to our hotel at midnight. And throughout that time we kept discovering new entertainment. 

The temperature was a comfortable 20 degrees C (68F) and the sky was completely clear. It looked like a midnight blue! 

Nimes is a Roman town and there are plenty of sites and buildings in amazing condition. La Maison Carré is one and on this evening it was flanked by le marché nocturne. Food and arts and crafts. It felt very creative and funky. 

We grabbed our second glace of the day (we were on our hols!) and sat on the steps and soaked up the atmosphere.

Faire la fête!

There was music everywhere we went. On the stages in les places, in the alley ways with break dancers and piped through speakers throughout le quartier. Could you resist dancing?

We couldn't! And happily on the way back to the hotel we came across party street! Think Notting Hill carnival or Soho on a Friday night. A tiny alleyway silent and boring during the day with graffiti covered shutters concealing the tiny bars stacked one on top of another along the whole street. 

But at midnight it was packed and noisy and buzzing with chatter. Each bar had a different vibe. I was surprised to hear some 80s classics still going down well with the young clientele!

We danced for about half and hour and then cream crackered and happy headed home. I'll never forget that evening. Thank you Nimes you were wonderful!

*****Voir ce blog en français

Do you fancy a trip to Nimes or another French city with me?

If you would be interested in an accompanied trip to a French city with me as your guide in a group. Please let me know via the "Aidez moi" button below, and we will see if we can arrange a trip soon.
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