How to Self-Study French at The French Room

Jan 5 / Ellie Louis
You know why you want to learn French and you can see yourself speaking and understanding in the future. Now you need to know how to get there. This guide tells you how to do just that with The French Room Self-Study Tuto Programme.

How to Self-Study French with Tutos

LEarn French self-study Tuto programme 

3 learning routes to enjoying your study

How to learn with the Self-Study Tuto Programme

Learning Route 1 -
Daily Tutor Guidance from Ellie

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By clicking on the DISCUSS tab in each course you will see weekly recommendations for that course from Ellie. You will be guided on what to study and how to get the most out of the recommended Tuto.

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If you are subscribed to The French Room mailing list you can also receive your daily recommendations by email prompt. You will also see them in the general school chat.

Learning Route 2 -
Systematically work through the course path and collect certificates along the way!

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Each course is organised into modules by French Room learning level. You can start at the beginning of a course and work through every Tuto and collect a certificate for each module completed.

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Please note that the first module is an introduction to the course. The second module is New and Recommended Tutos showcasing my daily recommendations. If you want to work through each level please start from module 3 onwards.

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As you work through each Tuto in the module you will see ticks appear to let you know what you have looked at. When you are happy that you have completed every Tuto in the module you can collect your certificate.

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You can download and share your certificate on social media. Only claim a certificate when you feel that you have fully completed a module, You can request a meeting with Ellie if you would like help deciding.

Learning Route 3 -
Dip in and out and explore the content on your own route

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You can dip in and out of any course as you wish and revisit any Tuto as many times as you want. Want to be led by what takes your interest the most? This is for you.

Benefits of each learning route

1. Tutor guidance

It's for you if you like:
- Daily prompts and reminders to learn
- Enjoy variety
- Want to give thorough focus to a particular aspect or theme in French 

2. Systematic pathway

It's for you if you like:
- To systematically work through a module
- You find ticking off your progress satisfying
- You like to mark your achievements with certificates

3. Explore

It's for you if you like:
- To explore
- Want to cherry pick your interests
- Have your own learning plan
LEarn French self-study Tuto programme 

Course discussion and feedback

How to learn with the Self-Study Tuto Programme

Course discussion tab

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By clicking on the DISCUSS tab in each course you will see weekly recommendations for that course and some guidance on what to study and how to get the most out of the recommended Tuto. 

Social discussion in a Tuto

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In Tutos where you see a discussion thread you can comment about that specific activity. In this example the thread is #La Gastronomie Lyonnaise. Commenting helps you keep a record of how that learning activity was for you and also helps other learners doing the same Tuto. 

Benefits of course and Tuto discussion

A record of your learning

Imagine yourself in 3, 6 or 12 months time. You will want to look back and see how you have progressed. Your comments on the daily Tuto guidance and within specific Tutos will show you how you were doing at the time. The more you comment the more insight you will have later on regarding your understanding, discussion skills and overall French level.

Helps others

You may be ahead of your fellow learners and your comments could act as inspiration, help and motivation to someone visiting a Tuto after you. 
If you found something hard it's reassuring to others to hear that. If you have a tip or a hack it will help others and if you have just experienced a victory, sharing it could inspire others to keep going.

Better conversation skills

At The French Room we are focused on real conversational French. Speaking is the big one of course but chatting online is a close second. Informal chat and messaging isn't about perfect written skills and you will find the more you express yourself this way in course discussions with others the easier you will find it to speak conversationally.
LEarn French self-study Tuto programme 

Certificates, Stats and Progress Tracking

How to learn with the Self-Study Tuto Programme


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Bravo! You can mark your progress by collecting certificates. Once you have completed all the Tutos in a module and you are satisfied that a module is complete, you can claim your certificate.  Plus they are shareable on social media.

Your Stats

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Each time you sign-in you will land on this page. At the top you have all your top stats so you know how many hours study you have completed, how many posts you have written and the number of certificates you have earned.

Social Activity Badges

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Taking part in discussion at The French Room will advance your French conversation skills. And to encourage and reward your participation, you can earn a whole host of badges. Comment, set up polls, vote and reply to discover new badges.

Track your course progress

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Whenever you look at an overview of The Learn French Self-Study Tuto Programme, you will see how much of each course you have completed. The ideal is to keep this balanced across all courses. If you have done say 78% of grammar but only 10% of vocabulary it might be time to focus more on vocab!

Extra Stats in the App

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If you study using the app you get a little more information including your non-study time and your overall progress through all the current Tutos available.

Benefits of tracking progress


Recognising milestones along the way is a helpful and uplifting way to track your French learning route. It is also a great way to share your successes with others.  

Your Stats

Knowing how much time you are studying is useful. Being able to see your social activity in French is even more insightful when French conversation is your goal.

Your Progress

Seeing how much ground you have covered and how much more you have to do, gives you a clear sense of the roadmap you are on to achieving your French goals.