👨‍💻 Janvier 2025 Rendez-Vous Tuto Recordings - Bonjour Brilliance

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Course overview
After years of teaching, I’ve identified the top 12 mistakes French learners make—and you’re not alone!

This mini-course gives you all 12 Rendez-Vous Tutos on the subject in one place. They are practical, and engaging and designed to boost your confidence. You can get them right!

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Meet your french Tutor

Ellie Louis

At The French Room, Ellie understands the journey of learning French as an adult because she has walked this path herself. She knows first-hand what it's like to feel lost in a sea of unfamiliar words and phrases, and she understands the frustrations and challenges that come with learning a new language later in life.

But Ellie didn't just learn French—she mastered it. And now, she's created The French Room as the perfect environment for you to do the same.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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